Québec/Maine Number Theory Conference

Université Laval, Québec City, 2004
Claude Levesque, ULaval, Principal Organizer

Saturday, October 2, 2004

Time Speaker Title
8:00-8:32am Café-beignes/ Coffee and Doughnuts,  Welcome
8:40-9:30 Barry Mazur
Organizing the arithmetic of elliptic curves
9:40-10:20 Andrew Granville
U Montreal and CICMA
Les valeurs distinctes d'une forme binaire quadratique
10:30-10:45pm Chip Snyder
University of Maine
On the distribution of the irreducibles in a number field
10:55-11:10 Payman Kassaei
On classicality of overconvergent modular forms
11:20-11:55 Hershey Kisilevsky
Concordia U. and CICMA
Vanishing of twisted elliptic L-functions
11:55-1:45 Lunch/Swimming
2:00-2:40 Henri Darmon
McGill and CICMA
Les points de Stark-Heegner: progres et problemes
2:50-3:10 Henrik Bresinsky
University of Maine
Two algorithms to determine the monomials in a polynomial ideal
3:50-4:40 Adrian Iovita
Concordia U. and CICMA
On the exceptional zero conjecture of Mazur-Tate-Teitelbaum
4:50-5:20 Ram Murty
Queen's U. and CICMA
Honda and Nagao conjectures
5:30-6:10 Barry Cipra
Northfield, MN
What's happening in the mathematical sciences -- A sneak peek at Vol. 6
7:30-- BANQUET

Sunday, October 3, 2004

Time Speaker Title
8:00-8:30am Café-Beignes
8:30-9:00 Carl Pomerance
Periods for pseudorandom number generators
9:10-9:25 Andrew Knightly
University of Maine
On Galois representations attached to modular forms on a unitary group
9:35-9:50 Ali Ozluk
University of Maine
One-level density hypothesis and quadratic L-functions
10:00-10:15 Elliot Benjamin
Unity College
On the length of the 2-class field tower of some imaginary biquadratic number fields with 2-class group isomorphic to (2,2)
10:25-10:40 David Bradley
University of Maine
On $q$ analogs of multiple zeta values and other multiple harmonic series
10:50-11:05 Ryan Daileda
Algebraic number fields with very large class numbers
11:15-11:45 Abraham Broer
U. de Montreal
The different in invariant theory
11:55-1:15 LUNCH
1:30-2:10 Ernst Kani
Queen's U.
Mazur's question and modular diagonal quotient surfaces
2:20-2:35 Chris Cumins
Concordia U. and CICMA
Computing congruence subgroups
2:50-3:05 Harald Helfgott
On the number of elliptic curves of a given conductor
3:10-3:25 Ye Tian
Twisted Fermat curves over totally real fields
3:30-3:45 Yoshitaka Hachimori
On non-pseudonullity of Iwasawa modules in noncommutative Iwasawa theory
3:50-4:10 Guillaume Rocotta
On zeros of L-functions of quadratic fields